
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

About the Science of Gastrointestinal Pathology

The human digestive system can be one of the leading sources of diseases in humans, what with the large amount of foreign compounds that the system needs to process each day. Your gastrointestinal organs, for instance, can be especially sensitive. This is why the sub-specialization of Gastrointestinal Pathology came to be, with the goal of identifying the various reactions of the digestive organs to particular substances.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Understanding the Basics of Pathology

Pathology is the science of studying all aspects of human diseases. It studies illnesses that can be passed on genetically, including conditions that plague the blood, tissues, organs and body systems when attacked by microorganisms like viruses and bacteria. It is the study of the human body, but more than that, it documents where and how and why the body malfunctions, or sometimes, one of its systems goes against the whole.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Herpes Simplex Viruses 1 and 2

Herpes Simplex viruses or more commonly known as herpes have two types: herpes type 1 (HSV-1) and herpes type 2 (HSV-2). Herpes type 1 is the cause of sores around the mouth and the lips. A person with HSV-2, however, may have sores around the genitals and rectum. Although at times, it may occur in different locations, they are usually found in places below the waist.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Women's Pathology Services: Pap Test and HPV Test

In the United States, 13,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer every year. In some cases, with early detection, cervical cancer can be treated by containing the abnormal cell changes in the cervix before the cancerous cells developed. Cervical cancer is caused by the human papillomavirus or HPV.

The Pap test is the tool for early detection of cervical cancer. The test is done by taking cell samples from the cervix during a pelvic exam. The cell samples are sent to a laboratory for examination of abnormal cell changes and growth.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Uncovering the Secrets Inside Cells Through Biopsy

With the number of discovered diseases, it could be difficult to rule out which disease you have especially when some of these diseases have similar symptoms. One way of identifying which one you could be suffering from is by looking closely at your tissues or cells and observing how they behave. It's not a matter, however, of mere physical examination where a doctor would take a closer look at you.

You can't lie down on a bed and have a microscope zoom in on your finger or your back. For physicians to be able to analyze your body properly, they might have to take a piece of your flesh through a method called biopsy and then use a microscope to slowly comprehend the secrets your cells are hiding.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Listening Closely: The Story of the Stethoscope

Whether you're a real doctor or pretending to be one, a stethoscope is standard paraphernalia to the person of a doctor. Along with a white lab coat, a pin on its chest pocket, and perhaps a cup of hot coffee to keep his eyes wide open, if you're without one, you could be just the technician.

Stethoscopes have been very useful in identifying abnormal rhythms or pulses in the body in an instant. They are also very inexpensive. It enables doctors to find out what's going on inside without having to use X-rays, or other scanners.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Melanoma: A Medical Problem on the Rise

Cutaneous melanoma incidents are rising faster than any other major malignancy. Over the past several decades, the increase has been so dramatic in the US that it can now be aptly termed an 'epidemic'. Thankfully, detailed analysis of mortality rate reveals that the danger has not quite reached an alarming level.